What is the Sankofa Youth Enrichment Program?

The Sankofa Youth Enrichment program is a non-profit organization that seeks to enrich and strengthen youth by connecting them to their heritage and culture in ways that promote resiliency and positive youth development.

The Sankofa Bird is an Adinkra Symbol. Adinkra Symbols originated in Ghana and represent popular proverbs and maxims that reflect important cultural values.

The Sankofa symbols means: “Return and get it” or “Learn from the past to build the future.”

The Sankofa Youth Enrichment program embodies the essence of this powerful Adinkra symbol as it was founded on the conviction that we must build our tomorrows on the foundations of our past.

Our motto is: “Empowering Youth and Transforming Lives.” Our motto is: “Empowering Youth and Transforming Lives.”

Our targeted beneficiaries are inner city African American youth. It is uncontroverted that African Americans are disproportionately exposed to conditions such as concentrated poverty, limited educational and occupational opportunities and other aspects of structural racial, social, and economic disadvantage.

It is similarly undisputed that African American youth are overrepresented both as victims and perpetrators of violent crime. Research suggests that the roots of this violence are embedded in the structural disadvantages that African American youth experience.

The Sankofa program aims to introduce youth to African and African American history and culture in ways that empower and improve positive racial and cultural identity.

A growing body of research establishes that a strong cultural identity is essential to a person’s sense of self-worth and wellbeing; gives a person feelings of belonging and security; and provides a group a sense of shared values and aspirations.

Our program seeks to increase protective factors and improve resiliency in our program beneficiaries. Resiliency is the capacity to adapt, navigate and bounce back from adverse and challenging life experiences.

The Sankofa program promotes cultural resiliency and cultural relevant healing by reconnecting youth to the vibrant strengths of their ancestry and history to foster improved self-esteem and self-efficacy; increase the sense of personal agency, responsibility, and accountability; and broaden life expectations.

Our program includes the following evidence-based strategies and activities:

  • > A cultural immersion adventure in Ghana for selected participants
  • > African and African America History and Culture Lessons and activities
  • > Activities to promote understanding and appreciation for our African heritage

Contact Us

Contact us for more information or if you would like us to customize a youth program for your organization that meets your organization's goals and objectives.

For more information, to partner or to donate, contact us at info@Sankofa-Youth.org. Or call us: +1 (847) 893-9304.